• Education is power.
    Education shared is empowerment.

Advancing Tribal colleges through collaboration and shared goals

NDTCS leverages the higher education experience by sharing ideas and broadening networks and alliances, toward improving student outcomes. The focus is to help students and communities thrive by:

  • Assuring rigorous curricula and high-impact education practices

  • Advancing enrollment, retention, and completion rates

  • Cultivating partnerships for Tribal communities

  • Nourishing the integration of culture into college programming

  • Supporting a culture of institutional effectiveness and accountability


Hello! We’d love to hear from you.

Doh sha! Dush Gah Sha! Geed! Anpétu wašté! Hau! Han! Tanan yahipi (we are happy that you are here)!

Thanks for visiting! We’re here to help and eager to share what we’ve been working on. Reach out with questions or to simply learn more.

Tracey Bauer
Executive Director,
North Dakota Tribal Colle​ge System
3315 University Dr. Bismarck, ND 58504​
Cell: (701) 989.1716
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“Our first teacher is our own heart.”